January is still rocking and rolling, so put your writing in motion! You have a whole decade to reach your writing goals, but take them one day at a time. I find it best to make a schedule…make one per day, week, or month. Some of the key benefits to scheduling include:

Improves Time Management

Everyone has busy lives that can be jam packed with events and things to do, but blocking out time means that none of your time is wasted. Keep on top of everything that needs to be done. 

Allows Prioritization

“I will do it tomorrow” – the saying we have all said time and time again. Well now is the time to put that task at number one. Scheduling allows you to prioritize and get the most important tasks done first. 

Enhances Efficiency

The satisfaction of being able to cross something off your list says it all. Having a scheduled list can enhance your efficiency by keeping everything organized. 

These are just a few ways incorporating a schedule into your daily life can help you stay on track. I know it can seem a bit tedious and can take away some spontaneity, but try it out for yourself! 

There are so many apps to help you along the way as well! I can be more of a pen to paper person myself, but if you need alerts and extra amenities along the way there are apps and programs out there just for you.

Now instead of frustratingly trying to remember what needs to be done, check your schedule with ease. Whether it be for writing a certain amount of pages, getting paperwork in on time, or simply reading a few chapters write it down and make it work. This is your schedule and your time!