Want to spruce up your reading and gain some benefits? Try reading out loud next time! While it might not be very common to read out loud to yourself it definitely has its advantages:
- It helps you become a better listener in retaining information.
- Helps you to identify an authentic dialogue – because you are reading out loud you get a better understanding of a natural narrative flow.
- Improves your diction and expression, allowing it to help your own speaking and writing voice.
- Improves visual memory by creating more vivid visuals in your mind.
- Improves your spelling.
- Great practice for public speaking.
Reading out loud has its own personal benefits for day to day life as well as being a writer. By reading your own work out loud you encapsulate the flow of your writing, and will be able to pick up mistakes easier. It helps you to adjust your own punctuation better because you may find yourself pausing more often, therefore needing a comma.
We are taught at a young age that reading out loud is helpful in the classroom, but is commonly lost while growing up. However, the benefits are still there and should be practiced from time to time.
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