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It is best to tackle the future with some indication of what is most likely to be on trend. While no one can truly predict the future here is some of the industry’s best interpretation of what 2020 will bring!

  1. Audiobooks will continue to gain popularity, and more indie authors will seek to have their work converted to this format.
  2. Running ads will be a requirement
    1. Getting your books in front of readers for free will be more difficult. Now is the time to get internet savvy and use paid advertising!
  3. The ebook market will grow even more in 2020.
    1. As more young readers enter the market ebooks will increase.
  4. Email lists will increase in value.
    1. Your emailing list is a valuable marketing tool. Remember readers who are giving you their email are opting in, they want you to email them!

These are just a few publishing trends that we might see in 2020, but there are definitely more! A big takeaway is the push toward alternatives to paperbacks, with the focus on audiobooks and ebooks, as well as upping the ante on marketing!

Have a great 2020!