I, like most people, say I love to read but never have time to pick up the right book and finish it. And while there is no right and wrong way to read, I have noticed some key tricks to make myself a better reader.
Make a list.
There might be some power in checking off a box, because I know I am more productive when a list is involved. So create a list of all the books you want to read that month or year and get checking!
Read several books at once.
For me I know as soon as a book starts to feel boring I put it down and never return. However, if you read several books at once and create options for yourself there will be more of a chance you will open the book up again.
And feel free to mix it up! Read a book and also have an audiobook on hand for an alternative option. It can be very refreshing from print books to relax your eyes and get a fresh look on a book.
Try before you buy.
Read the Kindle or Amazon sample before you buy a book. Get a taste for the writing style to determine if it’s a book you would enjoy until the end. Maybe even read a few reviews, but watch out for spoilers!
Take notes.
If you are a blogger or someone who likes to share their reading findings, I find that it is easier to take notes while reading rather than afterwards. It may seem like this process takes longer, but it is better than going back into the passage to look for something you thought you read. Plus, taking notes is a great way to retain what you just read!
Take note of your down time.
Find the right time to read for you. On a lunch break, right before bed, or on your commute to work. There is no bad time to read, but you also have to accept that sometimes you may not find the time. For me I noticed that I could be replacing my screen time with reading a book. You might have to find a new balance but once you do reading will be much easier!
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Happy Reading!