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Posts tagged with: author advice

Here are 4 steps to maintaining a quit-proof commitment! I love creating new goals for myself, but the problem isn’t making them, but maintaining them…Here’s what I do to help me stay on track! Every commitment is different but this...
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Having a dedicated space for readers is a great way to stay connected with your audience, promote your work, and get inspiration. Some authors may choose to have groups based on a specific series, but that is up to you. ...
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You want your title to last the testament of time. It sounds easier said than done though, right? If you are struggling to find the perfect title for your book, you’ve come to the right place! Some elements you want...
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First thing’s first, a call to action is a marketing term for a design that prompts the viewer to an immediate action. For example, when you go on a website and they ask for your email. That is what we...
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In times like these Instagram can heavily influence your business. The algorithm can be updated frequently, so it’s important to stay on top of it for your content strategy.   According to Instagram the 6 key factors that influence the Instagram...
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Having an array of characters makes each story unique and fun. Today, I want to dive into a foxy lady we all love to hate, the one who almost always gets her way: the femme fatale. Before we dive into...
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Create what you thought you never could, you will be amazed as to how many people might feel the same. Explore yourself. Write on!...
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Everyone needs a little motivation to jump start the day. Think about where you draw inspiration from and use it towards your work. Write on!...
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